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Alex Steele is the commander of MIST and an agent of SHADOW. He is also Scarlett's boyfriend and the son of Joseph Steele.

Spies and Miracles: The Team[]

Alex, Ruby, and Zak were approached by Osborne to join the team. The four met in Osborne's office, where Osborne introduced to Scarlett. The four trained in The Bunker, until news came of a high-speed chase, which was between The Waiter and Zane and Ryan. The four rescued the twins, and the twins decided to join the team. Their second mission was to steal an extract of Generanium from The Waiter, which was hidden in the pyramid on the roof of One Canada Square. The Generanium turned out to be a bomb, and Scarlett threw it out of the SHADOW Jet, and it exploded in midair. The team also stopped a runaway train which The Waiter disabled to split the team up. Afterwards, The Waiter caused the enhanceds in London to rebel, and also sent his own army of strong enhanceds. However, the team, especially Alex, defeated them.

Spies and Miracles: Veracity[]

Powers and Abilities[]

Alex has super-speed along with accelerated perception. He also has enhanced condition.
He is a skilled tactician.
He has a vast scientific knowledge.


Alex is a natural leader, who most people like, and intelligent. However, his temper is short, and can get extremely angry if someone harms his sister. He is a kind person with a sense of humour.


Alex and Ruby were separated at a young age. Alex had a quite criminal life, until he was recruited to join a team.
